What is Chargy?
An international Data Driven Company that has grown due to fundamental pillars: R+D+i.
Chargy is a Spanish company that has developed a sophisticated marketing tool that enhances the digital strategy of brands and companies around the world. We are the creators and promoters of a new way of doing Marketing through the mobile charging: “Chargy Marketing”.

Business Intelligence
Analyze data and communicate in real time with your customers and employees. Imagine how many possibilities can be opened for your business…

Get the most out of your business thanks to our Chargy Marketing
Chargy is the only one offering a Marketing channel through the mobile charging
Know your customers
Brands know the profile of their customers, but with Chargy will know who they are by knowing their preferences and needs.
Attract new customers
By offering free mobile charging, you will get new users that will stay longer in your establishment.
Interact with them
You can impact your customers with digital content (satisfaction surveys, promo videos or publicity images).
Increase your sales
With Chargy you will increase the quantity of visitors, increase your sales, and reduce your expenses in marketing studies.
Sectors we are addressing
Shopping centers
Other spaces

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