Business Intelligence Tool "myChargy"

Get to know your customers better

Nuestra app
Nuestro Dashboard

Customized Dashboard with the Look&Feel of your brand

Thanks to our “myChargy” Business Intelligence tool in the cloud, you will be able to track in real time all the data generated through our iPowerbanks and control the data of all the Chargy devices connected in your establishment.

Business intelligence

How do your customers behave in your location?

The central dashboard of Chargy will show you briefly and in real-time a summary of your customers’ behavioral information through metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs)

In the statistics section, you will also have data of the number of establishments and segmentation by location, by number of registered users, by gender, by number of Chargypoints, among others.

Some of the features of our Dashboard

  • Statistics

    Everything that happens in your establishment is transformed into information of the use of the Chargypoints and the activity of the final user in real time. Thus, you can automatically follow up these metrics, through responsive interfaces that you can manage from your computer, mobile or tablet.

  • Marketing and Publicity
    Marketing and Publicity

    The most we know our users the better we can address them. From our Dashboard you can manage all the advertising (videos, satisfaction surveys or promotional images) to impact your users at the point of sale in real time.

  • Installation Management
    Installation Management

    Centralize the management of customers, locations and use of Chargypoints. Also, access to the technical data to know the traceability between users or the devices they use for charging.

  • Permissions

    Each Chargy customer and its employees will have access only to the defined areas such as marketing, analytics or statistics.